How to Choose the best rug for your Bedroom
There are times in our lives when we just don't know and can't work out what is the best way to get that decorated perfection like the pro's do it.
Well, I am here to tell you that they too have rules they follow and it is as simple as ABC once it is explained.
As you can see by the diagram below, the do's & don't are set out for you and this is why.
Why do we place a rug under our bed?
There are many reasons, from hiding marks or uneven boards, previous bed dints in the carpet, to keeping the cold from the mattress base and the most important, to make your bedroom cosy.
Imagine an empty room. Now add your bedroom furniture, all designed to go up against a wall, with the only two pieces of furniture that are grouped together being the bedside tables and the bed.
The bed itself is long. It sticks out into the middle of the room and the bedside tables are only an average of 500mm off the wall making the bed look even longer and narrower. Daunting thought!
So how do we widen the look of the room, ground the bed and side tables whilst connecting the rest of the room, making it look full and inviting.
That's right! :)
Add a rug and never skimp. The rug goes side ways and needs to go past the width of the side tables if possible. Do not place the rug under the bedside tables as we are working on creating not only a wider room, but a layered room.
Think of your rug as the central foundation for the room. Showing some of the glorious charm of your flooring, but not letting the flooring take over. We want to make your rug island of pure visual pleasure that you are creating the grand statement in the room not your flooring.
If you don't have a lot of space between the end of the bed and a wall or a dresser, you may consider putting two matching, small bedside rugs in. Again, if possible take them wider than your bed side tables but make sure it doesn't exceed the length of the bed.
Choosing the right size of the rug can be a little tricky as nearly all of the rugs are a standard sizing and bedroom spaces are not.
After working with rugs for years I have found that the majority of rooms and beds will hold the following :
The queen size bed can be placed on a 2000 x 2900mm, nothing smaller or a 2400 x 3300mm comfortably.
If you have a king size bed, nothing smaller than the 2400 x 3300mm but up to a 3000 x 4000mm is fine. Obviously your room size will indicate if this is possible.
I am always here if you have any questions or are still not confident with this decision on your own. We can bounce ideas, just give the store a call on 03 54470433 and ask for Tamara.
Now we have worked that out and I hope explained a little more about some of the tricks the world is your oyster!
Have fun........
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